Dear customers,
we have prepared a SPECIAL OFFER for you - WEEK No. 26.

It means a huge discount on the selected products, so do not hesitate and check It out! 

  P.N. Item *Quantity List price Special offer
Hypertherm 220668 ELECTRODE:HPR 260A SILVERPLUS MS 279 19,40 EUR 2,00 EUR 
Hypertherm 220478 ELCTD:T30V 245 7,10 EUR 2,00 EUR
Hypertherm 220541 ELCTD:HPR 260A MS BEVEL 194 18,00 EUR 2,00 EUR
Hypertherm 220037 Electrode, 100 Amp 161 10,90 EUR 2,00 EUR
Hypertherm 120178 Elctd: HT2000 50A OXY 118 25,75 EUR 2,00 EUR
Hypertherm 220666 ELECTRODE:HPR 200A SILVERPLUS MS 115 19,10 EUR 2,00 EUR
Hypertherm 220487 ELECTRODE:HSD/HyPro2000/MAXPRO2000 130A AIR-130A O2 61 18,40 EUR 2,00 EUR
Hypertherm 120667 Electrode, 200 Amp 52 17,80 EUR 2,00 EUR
Hypertherm 220528 ELECTRODE:HSD/HyPro2000/MAXPRO200 45A AIR-45A N2-50A AIR-50A 02 46 19,00 EUR 2,00 EUR
Hypertherm 220669 ELECTRODE:PMX45 30 9,80 EUR 2,00 EUR


  P.N. Item *Quantity List price Special offer
Hypertherm 220187 Electrode, O2, 80 Amp 30 15,80 EUR 2,00 EUR 
Hypertherm 120112 Electrode, 50/70 Amp 30 31,25 EUR 2,00 EUR 
Hypertherm 120410 Electrode, 100 Amp 29 34,25 EUR 2,00 EUR 
Hypertherm 220649 ELECTRODE:HPR 130A MS BEVEL 28 18,00 EUR 2,00 EUR 
Hypertherm 220021 Electrode, Air, Pac200T, 200 Amp 24 17,70 EUR 2,00 EUR 
Hypertherm 120690 Electrode, bl/blk, MS 200 Amp 23 23,40 EUR 2,00 EUR 
Hypertherm 220882 ELECTRODE:HPR 800A 22 54,50 EUR 2,00 EUR 
Hypertherm 220971 ELECTRODE:DURAMAX HYAMP 20 13,20 EUR 2,00 EUR 

*Quantity: Dear customers, please take into consideration that quantity of the goods is limited. You will be informed regarding the current quantity situation on the basis of your order.


The only condition you have to fulfil to purchase these products for the super low price is to send filled-in order form to sales@pierce.eu
in the period from 22 to 26 June, 2020.

We will be looking forward to receiving your orders and you can be looking forward to seeing our new WEEK SPECIAL OFFERS.

Sincerely your supplier of CNC cutting machines and accessories, 
Pierce Control Automation, spol. s r.o.